Philippines Sexpats wall of shame: Keep brothels out of the Philippines Provinces. No more Angeles Cities. |
Keep brothels out of the Philippines Provinces. No more Angeles Cities. Block Mike Mounstephen's expansion projects, his sinister bar fine marketing in the country.
Spooks, between me and you.
Contrary to your statements here and there you have been more than concerned of my writings on this blog, not necessary of what I'm saying, but mostly of what YOU ARE saying here an there on porn sites where you like posting stupid threads for me to bring them out to the world! you consider this as a free advertising helping your business...Fine with me Mike.....Spooks. Got you on your own words, it's OK with you me talking about illegal bar fines, "stables" Department of tourism accredited GROs and the like. You don't mind... I don't bother you...Do I? Thanks for your kindness, I feel much better now...
You and your friends wondering why me and my friends "harassing you". (sic!) Would you please tell us why we shouldn't? Because you claim to be a legitimate business? Would you please show me the DTI (Philippines Department of Trades and Industry for short) that brothels are mentioned in their business repertoire? I'll be back more in details, but first, even though every one knows who is your main accuser and the one who fights for the closure of your brothel,you and your main supporter Daisy Cline seems to make a taboo of my name pretending that I'm somebody else, a three or four different names guy, "whoever you are" as Daisy likes to call me..
Well I'm about to do something you never did in 5 years you live in the Philippines: You have never disclosed your name to the world, other than a plain "Mike" plus the porn forums you visit they added the "Spooks" and there you are Mike spooks instead of Mike Mountstephen as your real name is. Why is that Mike? Are you concerned that some one will know that you own a brothel? Some one is looking for you in Europe? or in the PI? Something to hide?
Mike Spooks, my name is Evan Iliadis and in capital too, EVAN ILIADIS. You know me don't you? I mean, you heard and read about me right?
Every one know that you are not my first target of foreigners low life, pimps and criminals living in the Philippines. You have read my blog http://vap-ripoff.org/Blog/Welcome!.html about the crooks in the Rotary don't you? You know what? They are out of the Rotary and their crooked business closed... Bankrupt... I stopped them right on the verge of receiving a 300K US$ Rotary Matching Grant... to be spent on the poor and needy... Yeah! right! Excuse me? Did I hear some one laughing?
You know what Mike Spooks? He's also out of business, to the dismay of your friend Paul Petrea, he left the country leaving us with a sinister souvenir on the news papers, discredited, avoided by the pimp world fearing "contamination". Still in the hard core porn internet business but the little guy now as opposed to the "protected boss" he thought he was as the president of a Rotary Club. But once in the line of sight to my investigation, he's gone. Yes Mike, gone, the Philippines thanked him for good... Wherever he is and what he does, is now irrelevant...
Then, came this ultra fascist, racist, sick, low morals guy Gordon Elletson. that through his Yahoo group Right minded wing warriors used as a refuge of the most vulgar, drunks, sick, convicted drug dealers, many functioning on psycho-tropics drugs, racists, real pigs, the disgrace of the expat community where all of them were spitting at Filipinos, humiliating them using the most slang and derogatory words one can find in the dictionary. And there was this web site, http://gahig-ulo.com/ that after 6 times on and off is now down for good..
You know what Mike Spooks? The big mouth pseudo-macho is gone... His Yahoo group? gone, the web site? gone, he has disappeared from the "Cyber stars scene", went on hiding... To the advisement of his lawyer and some "friends"... No, we don't want him deported... We don't want having to say "once upon the time a guy was living in CDO" but instead "this guy who lives in CDO, an active member of the expats in GDO, part of Spooks sexpat group".
Now us.
Earlier on this page, I was saying, you and your friends do not understand why me and my friends are taking on your business. You attributed our action as the result of maniac minds, sickos, Texkano, your group spiritual leader painted me as a "Cyber terrorist" (hehehe!!) Others, your friends in the international Sex guide forum where you are a forum member and contributor said that "I am trying to destroy a decent man" the whole thing decorated with epithets as fit to this kind of forums and members.
Readers, click on the image below on the left to enlarge it and look who's talking, look who's defending Mike spooks, look who Mike's friends are, look who the Chief of Police in Davao is called to protect..The original postings of the screen shot below are here read reports #1116 and #1111
Philippines Sexpats wall of shame: Keep brothels out of the Philippines Provinces. No more Angeles Cities. |
neither your friend Paul Petrea in his forum living in Cebu, all you left with, are these incompetent worthless partners Mike Belter and Ron the cuckold " whos girl friend sleeps in the couch instead with you" (Paul Petrea and Texkano words) Oh, I forgot a few others from the CDO expats group that you own and dominate.
For those who don't live in CDO, this Yahoo group has 15 members living in CDO (out of 400-500 expats total living there) all others - about 40 actives - living abroad and thinking moving some day and that's why they participate. All others are just lurking.
A few of them, 4 or 5, are wondering what my motivations would be for taking on spooks brothel so harshly, some say I'm a sicko, others a maniac, other a religious fanatic and the list goes on. Spooks said he's not bothered by my comments, he's fine with that, he even said that he makes more sales thanks to my exposure and offered me a commission. More sales? we'll see....
Meanwhile you advertise that you do not have a "take out service" or Bar Fines... So? how the sales grow? selling coffee? Oh please! Gime a break man!....
A comment I received from a good guy, said this:
Do you think the closure of Spooks brothel will mean the end of the prostitution in CDO?
My answer to James is this:
Do you think that a house shouldn't be cleaned every often because it will be again dirty the day after?
Fellows, here is why we want spooks out of business:
Mike Mountstephen pioneered the creation of a first world style brothel in the provinces, the "first world" limited to the building decoration only, the exploitation of the "girls" being one of the worst in the area, I'll explain what I mean shortly.
Not that there wasn't any before, there was, owned by Filipinos with limited cash flow and ability to finance the "protection" needed for a smooth and trouble free application of bar fines. Besides, didn't take long for Mike Mountstephen to see the need of a "safe" brothel managed by a foreigner for foreigners, clientele that literally hates Filipinos as we'll read some statements later. Here what he said to the ISG "reviewer" GE (GoodEnough)
"I hopped a taxi to a new place, about a kilometer away, called Spooks, but pronounced Spoke by the locals. Actually it's not altogether new, but it was a first for me as I had never heard of it before. The place is the only bar (as far as I know) that's own by a foreigner. The owner is a British guy named Mike and I spent about 15 minutes talking to him. A thoroughly nice guy who said that his interest was to create a place were expats would feel comfortable".
Take a look what the 'reviewers" in the International Sex Guide forum that visited many of these in CDO have to say. Lucky you Spooks lol !! Another free advertisement from me!...
But to accomplish this goal, an all foreigners clientele brothel, he needs foreign customers. The Expat community of 400-500 living in CDO are mostly married, or a single that don't need to pay bar fine at spooks to spend the night with a girl, he can have it without, easier and safer, CDO is not a tourist destination, is far behind Boracay, Panglao, Palawan, Moal-Boal to name a few. Is not a sex tourist destination either, as Angeles City and more recently Cebu wearing the prostitution crown in the Philippines night life, with Davao getting closer. So who's going at Spooks? How he will maintain a "stable" of the 30 Department Of Tourism (DTO) accredited "guides"?
I'll tell you how in a few days. This is only the introduction of a Spooks - M Belter and cucklod Ron ploy manipulating the Expat "ladies" luring potential foreigners from abroad to feed Spooks brothel. Stay tuned.
PS, While I'm working on the next update would you please take a look on the image below. We'll have plenty to say about.
Philippines Sexpats wall of shame: Keep brothels out of the Philippines Provinces. No more Angeles Cities. |