nless it becomes necessary by any new event, today will be the last entry mentioning the Rotary in a business dispute that Michael Turner tried to make it a Rotary matter to attract a wider attention from the community at large, thinking also that my involvement is favoring him as the "drama" is taking more bandwidth in the blogsphere. Michael Turner (like Paul Petrea) loves publicity, of any kind, for him, there isn't bad publicity-good publicity, is just publicity. "As long others talk about me, means that "I'm a person of interest! I exist!"
Readers, it takes a bunch of time to analyze the mind of a loser psychopath fighting with his past failures and missteps and today's repeat of the same. You don't remake the behavior of a man in his 50's, especially a behavior tight to his DNA, that unfortunately the environment they grew up did not contribute to at least partially alter this DNA and make them better beings. That's the case of Michael Turner.
Since my previous entry, episodes of his new soap opera progressed so fast that before I can digest the first, here comes the next and a third one followed in record time. Let's try to catchup before the next round show up in a screen near us. Ready?
The duel is about to begin. Now on sale ring side tickets get your pop corn hot dogs cotton candy, step right up ring side tickets front row seats. Place your bets now Rotarians, ladies and gentleman.
The winners were those who carefully studied the history and contributions to the Mankind, interpreted the teaching and virtues the organization was built upon, the integrity of the members is composed, listened to their experience, failures and successes, detected the worthy, ignored the "arrivists" - opportunists that is, creates his own agenda, (If he stays) or move out.
An intelligent member will always put in one foot only, will keep low profile on his appurtenance and his actions in the org, playing it a little naive and ignorant, just in limit not to be labeled as stupid, will help to be trusted, he'll see who the real friends are, and those who'll try to abuse him.
He will avoid publicity in the community, and most important, will approach business offers and ventures in the most prudent manner, separating the wheat from the chaff, provided he knows how to do it!... Michael Turner and Gus Rodano aren't any of those. The first one, did all the opposite, bet his bottom dollar in the Rotary and ended in tears, the other one, thought that his fellows, mostly Filipinos, will come to his rescue as he did in 2006 for Michael Turner. None was there!..
So, the Rotary club of Cagayan De oro got rid of both, not a big a loss, for once I will agree with the Rotary that this isn't their business, eventually, Michael Turner will surrender the web site to whom paid for and belong to, the Rotary club of Cagayan De Oro. Amen, (Rotary) case closed.
He's miscalculating
Readers, it takes a bunch of time to analyze the mind of a loser psychopath fighting with his past failures and missteps and today's repeat of the same. You don't remake the behavior of a man in his 50's, especially a behavior tight to his DNA, that unfortunately the environment they grew up did not contribute to at least partially alter this DNA and make them better beings. That's the case of Michael Turner.
Since my previous entry, episodes of his new soap opera progressed so fast that before I can digest the first, here comes the next and a third one followed in record time. Let's try to catchup before the next round show up in a screen near us. Ready?

The duel is about to begin. Now on sale ring side tickets get your pop corn hot dogs cotton candy, step right up ring side tickets front row seats. Place your bets now Rotarians, ladies and gentleman.
In the previous entry, I directed you to the complain Michael Turner has filed with the court against Gus Rodano and other Sticky Media Solutions stock holders, most important, he hijacked his Rotary Club web site and use it to inform us on the developments between him and Rodano. Why the Rotary's web site? He has his own blog, actually, he duplicates the same entries on his!. Here is the reason folks:
By doing so, he creates a circus atmosphere, blaming the Rotary for what happened with his partner Rotarian Gus Rodano, putting pressure on the Rotary to take position between the two (Him and Rodano) and Folks! guess what! He succeeded! Rodano is gone! he's out of his club! He's now "Mister Rodano" and no more "Rotarian Rodano"!.
So,now that both are stripped of their membership, is no longer a Rotary matter! You got it? Is now a "personal matter!" You see how cleverly the Rotary gets rid of the problem? I personally hail the decision of the board of directors to get rid of both, one not worth better than the other. Because, to be honest, this isn't a Rotary matter. Unlike my persistent crusade to put out of business the Village Aide Program that was a 100% Rotary matter,a Rotary organization defrauding Rotarians and good people to enrich themselves, Turner is pleading a case that has strictly nothing to do with the Rotary. A brief history of the conflict that will be developed further in near future entries goes like this:
So,now that both are stripped of their membership, is no longer a Rotary matter! You got it? Is now a "personal matter!" You see how cleverly the Rotary gets rid of the problem? I personally hail the decision of the board of directors to get rid of both, one not worth better than the other. Because, to be honest, this isn't a Rotary matter. Unlike my persistent crusade to put out of business the Village Aide Program that was a 100% Rotary matter,a Rotary organization defrauding Rotarians and good people to enrich themselves, Turner is pleading a case that has strictly nothing to do with the Rotary. A brief history of the conflict that will be developed further in near future entries goes like this:
In his previous saga with another Filipino partner that (according to Turner) happened 90% the exact same thing, he won a case in a civil court in CDO having as star witnesses the ones he's suing today! Gus Rodano and others were employees of the then Builders SEO company owned and managed (on paper) by Maricyl Castillon, but in reality under the grip of Michael Turner. This was part of a plot of all of them to put Maricyl out of business, close the "Builders SEO" seized all material, goodby Builders SEO, hello Sticky Media Solutions!
As you know by now, Turner "rewarded" his heroes by making them instant business owners, otherwise unachievable by Filipino Standards for these young guys, but thanks to Michael their dream came through! Yeah? May be....I any case, let's again applaud the team in a standing ovation, one last time Congratulations!
Michael Turner went even further in his "generosity" towards the architect of the plot against Maricyl Castillon that is Gus Rodano: He sponsored him (Gus) to join the Rotary Club, the same club Turner was a member. He thought that Rodano's membership in the Rotary will strength their relationship, hey, what the hell, are we guided by the 4 way test or not? I even noticed, that Gus Rodano was on the list of directors in the Rotary year 2011-12, Michael Turner wasn't!
Fellow readers, supporters, Rotarians, Free Masons and any one who chose organizations, clubs, Fraternities and other not mentioned to polish their intellectual or business skills, I have a message for you, I'll scream it as loud I can to tell you this:
In my 30 years of activity in the Masonic Lodges in several countries, 4 years in the Rotary, been involved in several business in France and elsewhere, I learned that those who tied the success, growth and prosperity of their business with the organizations above hoping on an over night enrichment due to the members' mutual support windup to be the big losers. The winners were those who carefully studied the history and contributions to the Mankind, interpreted the teaching and virtues the organization was built upon, the integrity of the members is composed, listened to their experience, failures and successes, detected the worthy, ignored the "arrivists" - opportunists that is, creates his own agenda, (If he stays) or move out.
An intelligent member will always put in one foot only, will keep low profile on his appurtenance and his actions in the org, playing it a little naive and ignorant, just in limit not to be labeled as stupid, will help to be trusted, he'll see who the real friends are, and those who'll try to abuse him.
He will avoid publicity in the community, and most important, will approach business offers and ventures in the most prudent manner, separating the wheat from the chaff, provided he knows how to do it!... Michael Turner and Gus Rodano aren't any of those. The first one, did all the opposite, bet his bottom dollar in the Rotary and ended in tears, the other one, thought that his fellows, mostly Filipinos, will come to his rescue as he did in 2006 for Michael Turner. None was there!..
They both miscalculated
So, the Rotary club of Cagayan De oro got rid of both, not a big a loss, for once I will agree with the Rotary that this isn't their business, eventually, Michael Turner will surrender the web site to whom paid for and belong to, the Rotary club of Cagayan De Oro. Amen, (Rotary) case closed.
Now that we have separated the wheat from the chaff, let's move on and take a look on the latest developments. But first, the author needs to explain a few things about this entry, just to make the point to his loyal- including Mike Farrell- because if I don't, I'll hear from the sergeant's loud, grave, scary voice!...
There will be several entries - as the story is unfolded by the characters involved - priority will be given over other matters, (Lucky you Chris Bennetts! A little relief for you, not much though, I don't want Michael to steal the parade, there will be for every one! no worries!).
As I said before, this is the story of a dangerous psychopath living in Cagayan De Oro that manages to get away despite the harm he has done to locals. (See previous entries). I have rarely seen a foreigner breaking the law every often and feel so comfortable living there, openly making defamatory statements, aggressive as hell.
There will be several entries - as the story is unfolded by the characters involved - priority will be given over other matters, (Lucky you Chris Bennetts! A little relief for you, not much though, I don't want Michael to steal the parade, there will be for every one! no worries!).
As I said before, this is the story of a dangerous psychopath living in Cagayan De Oro that manages to get away despite the harm he has done to locals. (See previous entries). I have rarely seen a foreigner breaking the law every often and feel so comfortable living there, openly making defamatory statements, aggressive as hell.
I will walk you through his business practice in the Philippines, how he creates bogus corporations putting naive and ignorant young guys and girls as a front store, leaving himself and his family out of it, yet controlling, hiring and firing as fit in a corporation but, his name is no where to be found.
In closing, today I will update you to the latest as recorded by Michael Turner regarding a court decision issued September 17th, apparently in his favor, to me a mix bag. He had filled for a MANDATORY INJUNCTION AND TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER demanding form the court the following:
(I am bringing you a partial list - but the most essential - of the demands made, then I will direct you to the full - original complain- if interested by the details.
l.b. Not to operate and engage the business of Meara
Interactive Inc. and not to open its office and not to run its SEO
Interactive Inc. and not to open its office and not to run its SEO
l .e. To make and/or submit to an inventory and
accounting of all the business operations, property assets and
equipment of Sticky Media;
accounting of all the business operations, property assets and
equipment of Sticky Media;
l .f. To return all the money collected from the clients of
Turner, Harvest and StickyMedia from the United
States or from any foreign clients and from the local clients;
Turner, Harvest and StickyMedia from the United
States or from any foreign clients and from the local clients;
l.g. To return all money taken by defendants as "cash
advances" amounting to hundreds of thousands of pesos;
advances" amounting to hundreds of thousands of pesos;
1.i. To appoint plaintiff Michael Alan Turner as the
Receiver for StickyMedia pending litigation and accounting.
Receiver for StickyMedia pending litigation and accounting.
4. Ordering defendants to pay plaintiffs solidarily the following
3.5.a. P500,000.00 as Moral Damages;
3.5.b. PlOO,OOO.OO as Exemplary Damages.
3.5.c. P200,000.00 as Attorney's Fees, plus
3.5.d. costs of suit.
3.5.a. P500,000.00 as Moral Damages;
3.5.b. PlOO,OOO.OO as Exemplary Damages.
3.5.c. P200,000.00 as Attorney's Fees, plus
3.5.d. costs of suit.
An here is what he (Turner) got in a ruling by the judge (? ) Judge who? I don't see any name on the resolution!
WHEREFORE, premises considered, it is most
respectfully prayed of this Honorable Court that a Temporary
Restraining Order issue against defendants ordering them or their
representatives and agents:
WHEREFORE, premises considered, it is most
respectfully prayed of this Honorable Court that a Temporary
Restraining Order issue against defendants ordering them or their
representatives and agents:
1. Not to engage or operate any business that would directly or
indirectly compete with the Search Engine Optimization
business and all its aligned and related businesses and
services as contained in the non-competition and
confidentiality agreements;
indirectly compete with the Search Engine Optimization
business and all its aligned and related businesses and
services as contained in the non-competition and
confidentiality agreements;
2. Not to operate and engage the business of Meara Interactive,
Inc. and not to open its office and not to run its SEQ business
and any business that competes with plaintiffs' business;
Inc. and not to open its office and not to run its SEQ business
and any business that competes with plaintiffs' business;
3. Not to collect from any of the clients of plaintiffs, whether in
America or anywhere else, for the billings of the SEO
services rendered by Plantiffs Turner, Harvest and
Sticky Media to these clients; and
America or anywhere else, for the billings of the SEO
services rendered by Plantiffs Turner, Harvest and
Sticky Media to these clients; and
4. To refrain from doing any act that would cause directly or
indirectly any damage or financial loss or injury to the
business of plaintiffs.
Other relief just and equitable are likewise prayed for.
indirectly any damage or financial loss or injury to the
business of plaintiffs.
![]() | ||
Other relief just and equitable are likewise prayed for.
And for the rest? The money demanded for damages, punitive and others, legal expenses and more? The money collected from clients to be returned? The cash advances taken by the defendants also? Inventory and accounting requested? Computers and "millions worth of trade secrets, software, servers and all James Bond like fantasies"? No word on those demands in the resolution

Gus Rodano can now sleep the night. He can change the name from Meara to N- (like New) Meara and is all set with the compliance of the order. For the rest, he knows what to do, don't he? He had the best teacher in the sorcery science you can find lol!
Folks, reading the resolution, what strikes me most are two
phrases, one in the page 8 of the resolution (Memorandum in support of prayer for TR where the judge states this:
"Even participated in and presided over by The Rotary Club of Cagayan de Oro with ex-Mayor Constantino Jaraula leading the negotiations but all were to no avail because the defendants, up to this day, still continue to perpetrate the acts mentioned which have caused and continue to cause irreparable damage to the plaintiffs corporations. Thus, this derivative suit with an urgent prayer for the issuance of a Temporary Restraining Order".
Oh no! There we go again! The Rotary again! I read and re-read Turner's TRO-Civil Action, I haven't see Jaraula's name mentioned. Why the Judge mentioned it? It is possible that there was a hearing held in the case that Former Mayor testified? But he's not on the list of witnesses shown in the complain. What ever it is, why this negotiation lead by Jaraula as a Rotarian and former Rotary district governor was so important to the Judge? The way it is written in the resolution looks to me that Jaraula intervened in favor of Turner.
The second phrase is all over the resolution, repeated times and again. Is about the Harvest SEO company supposedly owned by Michael Turner. The Judge keep associating him with a nonexistent company in the Philippines, unknown and unregistered,but still collecting money from clients abroad for services rendered in the Philippines, by taxed Filipino workers, unreported income by Turner. He has been challenged several times to disclose information about this phantom business, the defendants mentioned it in their counter affidavit, but the Judge ignored it!. Wasn't important for him to examine the integrity of the plaintiff before buying his arguments? All it takes is just a question to realize that he's dealing with a liar as Michael Turner is. He did not...
But we will do it.
Readers, in the coming updates, you will know who this crook psychopath is, how he's using a few corrupted officials closing their eyes to his illegal way of doing business and enrich himself, destroying any ones reputation getting in business with him. Finally, I will direct you to the source where you can read everything you are interested, there is plenty, the links there will direct you to the legal documents filled with the court, resolutions and more.I will update it as soon as changes occur.
Readers, in the coming updates, you will know who this crook psychopath is, how he's using a few corrupted officials closing their eyes to his illegal way of doing business and enrich himself, destroying any ones reputation getting in business with him. Finally, I will direct you to the source where you can read everything you are interested, there is plenty, the links there will direct you to the legal documents filled with the court, resolutions and more.I will update it as soon as changes occur.