Today, I feel the need to wear my Rotary jacket and my Paul Harris Fellow medal (my wife discovered recently that I still have them) while typing these lines, so we can talk with Michael …Rotarian to Rotarian and under the French Revolution theme "Liberté- Egalité- Fraternité"
Readers and supporters. for 3 years now our crusade of "naming and shaming" sexpats and criminals is paying big.
Many of the Yahoo Groups and other boards big mouths stars have abandoned them, those still there have been under strict moderation of their postings now limited to "where I can find brown sugar" or telling us "how surprised they were when visited Hong Kong and found out it was a very modern city!!"
They removed from the Yahoo group albums many of these shameful pictures of their wives, Spooks stopped posting on the group and much more, just to name a few changes. Oh.. Gordy is planting vegetables in a new house he has now moved, we don't see him much around, reportedly he's (physically) sick, like the poor guy had not enough with his mental problems…As for Mike Farrell, he too has slowed down his temper and fanfares but always thinking of me - sending me "kind regards:" and the like. Thanks Mike...
Most recently, the latest events in CDO prompting us to look at them exclaiming in dismay "I told you so!" or "Michael Turner will do it again" and he did. Just a few days ago. Like the one who has done it before:
Christopher Bennetts – My Resignation from Rotary
Bennetts said: I officially resigned from the club because I could no longer function as a President while living outside of the Philippines. There were also the most disgusting false accusations made against me by Evan Iliadis who I have never met. He has been involved in an Anti-Philippines Rotary website for a few years and by virtue of being the President of RCCM I became the target of a campaign of vicious lies and slander by him.
I do not want to further involve RCCM (Rotary Club of Central Mactan) into what some members consider a private matter but as stated I only became his target because I was a Rotary President and therefore I have a right to defend myself but will not do so here. I have prepared a response to this allegations on my site Christopher Bennetts.
Evan Iliadis Said : "So what? You are a criminal, a wanted man, a pedophile, a plotter that you almost sent to life in prison an innocent man with the support of the influential Rotarian, your buddy Dave Poley, you are the most disgusting content pornographer in the world, I had the right to declare a merciless war against you until your club get it and do something about your membership. And it did! You did not resign! You were kicked out!.. So just shut up now, leave the rotary alone and keep busy barking under Evan's tree. It's good for your health"!....
Back to our business, this time Turner's business dispute is,- or he make it look like, - a Rotary matter, something of course the Rotary will deny, as usual will say "is a private matter."
What ever it is, I feel the need to wear my Rotary jacket and my Paul Harris Fellow medal (my wife discovered recently that I still have them) while typing these lines, so we can talk with Michael …Rotarian to Rotarian and under the French Revolution theme "Liberté- Egalité- Fraternité"
For you Fellow reader that you are not a Rotary Member let me explain you what exactly this highest Rotary International award is all about.
Any Rotarian, can buy it by making a donation to Rotary Foundation of 1000 US$. Your club, will give you the award in a special ceremony, usually, during the induction of the new set of officers taking place around July every year. You can have one even you haven't contributed a single day to help others, as long as you pay the money. THAT'S IT!
Michael Turner paid for his, thinking that he will now be a member of the "middle chamber" of his club, some one important, as he keeps claiming in his blog that you'll read shortly. Myself did not! It was given to me as a token to "my foul time job" helping schools, elderly and mentally disabled in my village of Songculan in Panglao Island. Thrilled? Bull shit! a month later I blew the whistle to those "philanthropists" Rotarians of the
Village Aide Program for spending 10 cents to the dollar receiving from Clubs, The Rotary Foundation and from Good people donations. For me, the one I'am thrilled of receiving is those received from the barangay of Songculan and the school.
In a previous entry about Michael Turner, while I presented you the story containing the truth and nothing but the truth, I also warned who ever this may concerned about this psychotic foreigner, that should he continue to interact with the local community we'll read again his name on the local news head lines. If this didn't happen yet this time, wait until the press gets involved in this new saga, I'm sure this will happen sooner or later. Let's now begin the story:
Michael Turner, being in his usual ill (dangerous) state of mind,
hijacked the Rotary Club of Cagayan De Oro web site to use it as a mean to expose his partner Rotarian Gus Rodano who contributed to the ousting of his (Turner's) previous partner Marisyl Castillon as the latest stated on her affidavit in a Florida court in 2006. Read bellow an extract.
Then, Rodano replaced Castillon as the General Manager of the newly created business "Sticky Media Solutions" having the legal responsibility of the corporation as required by PH law, that this person should be a PH citizen, Turner wasn't.
In his statement on the Rotary's Club web site, he's accusing -besides Gus Rodano - the Paul Harris Fellows Rotarians "Mafia" of his club for conspiracy, helping financially Rodano and also approving the stealing of his business by him and some other partners and stock holders.
At first, it looks like a common story under the "What goes around comes around" but reading sentence after sentence one realizes is not only filled with crap but also with threats. Knowing the history of this felon, the interested parties should take them seriously. I will now direct you to the original site that he erased after only 3 days of publication claiming he's receiving death threats, and that his lawyer advised him to leave town for his safety.
Read his statement here:
Unless you are a Rotary Member, Who cares about Turner's crap? Apparently no one.. He thinks that all future investors in the PH will be in line to read his saga and this will make pressure to the officials and the court to rule in his favor. He's writing in his blog:
Because what exactly happened is a (legal) business scam initiated by Michael Turner and properly replied by Gus Rodano, unlike Marisyl Castillon that she and her family has been eaten in a single sitting by the shark Turner. It was working like this: (Sorry if the sexpats do not understand the subtle language of crocked business, which is not always include pussy and San Miguel nectar, but hopefully some readers from out side will.)
Michael Turner, supposedly has a business registered in Florida USA under the name of HARVEST SEO.
there isn't business registered in the State of Florida under this name, there never was one from the beginning. There is only a domain name under Harvest SEO and you can see the registered owner here
A web site, does not legitimize an unregistered business.
Googling the word keys "harvestSEO, I realized he closed all pages pointing to this business in Florida, cached pages show that the originals were there between 27 of July and 12 of August 2011. Of course folks! The timing is right! He's now in court proceedings, even worst, has this stalker Evan on his ass! How he can afford to be ridiculed posing as a big shot in a non existing business?
See it yourself here. Click on "contact us" and see what you get.
Then, he registered another domain name
but this time putting as registrant his bogus company "harvestSEO" and his name as "Technical Contact"
Working in the Philippines the American way, without proper licenses and business permits would be suicidal for a foreigner and Turner knows that. So he had to legitimize the business by creating a corporation naming it StickyMediaSolutions, the same as the web site that kept the ownership to himself. Here is a partial screen shot of the corporation sheets showing the incorporators involved. His name is not there. I'll tell you why later.
Turner's scam was working like this:
The US and other countries' clients, were contracting services with Michael Turner, as owner of the bogus business HarvestSEO, thinking he's based in Florida USA.
In fact, he had a Florida telephone number but is forwarded to the Philippines.
In his turn, Michael Turner sub-contracted the job to
MediaStickySolution inc. in the Philippines, that even though from day one was his business, he would keep himself out, knowing that sooner or later he will be in litigation with the "incorporators" litigation that he will create from scratch, when time will come to get rid of his partners for reasons that we will have to wait for the defendants to post their affidavit, so we will know the other side of the story. When this time came, he put the date of May 27th 2011 on 4 documents representing 4000 shares making him the major stock holder of the corporation (The defendants had only 2500 shares combined). He got hold of the business, filed the law suit, accused the others for stealing computers, money, softwares and more. Same old story….But this time, he involved his Rotary Club as the main source of the "conspiracy",
One more time, in simple words so the ole fart sexpats understand what was going on since-as I said -this is different of watching the chicks belly dancing at Spooks..
1-Michael Turner, advertised, introduced himself and was known as the owner of a big SEO company in Florida USA. under the name "harvestSEO" No company is registered in the state of Florida under this name. There was nothing, no office, no car, just a telephone number that was forwarded to the Philippines. Any Contract with prospective clients was signed between, say "Delta Airlines" and harvestSEO. Of course, he was letting them know that he's using talented people in the Philippines earning a fraction of their US counterpart and that's why he could do the job for less.
2- In order to outsource the job in the Philippines, he had two choices: Using an existing Philippines owned business, or create his own business in the Philippines. As expected, he chose the second. He set up the corporation with only 2500 shares out of 10 000, just the minimum required by PH law. All 2500 shares were sold to 7 shares holders, all working partners including Gus Rodano in the position of the CEO. His name, (Turner's) or any member of his family is no where to be found in the act. In reality, he had in his possession 4000 undated shares, that he dated them in May 27th 2011 stating in the affidavit that were given to him at the date above (May 27th 2011)"for valuable consideration"(BS!) becoming the major holder of the corporation.
3- Having the foreign client contracting directly with HarvestSEO, StckyMediaSolutions had no clue as to what the original contracting price was, leaving it up to Turner to give them whatever he wanted to do the job. Sticky Media Solution had not access on the accounting of harvestSEO. How they were able to misappropriate funds of Turner's customers?
4- According to the court affidavit filled by Michael Turner, he became officially a major stock holder on May 25th 2011. Before that, he was unknown to this corporation, other than being a client. The corporation was created in 2006. Why they had to give him a detailed accounting, financial statements and inventory of all equipment? As soon as he became a major stock holder, the original incorporators deserted the premise and left him alone. They went on their own!. It was their most absolute right!...
Sexpats in CDO, your prodigal son that so proudly charged him to represent you in social gatherings and events, will have a lot of explaining to do. You can swallow his BS but Evan will be here to reveal - once again - the truth... stay tuned....
In closing, I have reasons to believe the psychopath will strike again. The reasons are the following:
1- A psychopath, never realizes his condition, lives in total denial of his illness disregarding the symptoms that making him dangerous, in his (Turner's) case is once again true by his own delirium seen in his writings: (Click on to enlarge it)

Yeah? A natural born Rotarian? Humm! So that means Rotarians they all have the criminal record you have? They all have blogs assassinating their partners and their families' reputation in their community?
Do you think you'll find supporters by washing the dirty laundry in public? Especially with the record you have?
Readers, this is another sign the guy is far from the reality he lives in. One of his supporters named "Mike" (looks like Spooks to me) posted a comment on his blog saying:
My reply to this is:
He can't name and shame. He's not clean. Everything he'll say will backfire on him. Besides, everything he says he hasn't brought a single evidence to back up what he claims happened. The video shows nothing. Some one is moving a computer. So what? Does it say is a stolen computer? May be was their personal computer.
No, foreign investors have nothing to fear, he's not in the position to boycott investment in the Philippines. Plus, it looks to me like the furniture boss is threatening his master craftsman that left him and opened his own shop fabricating the same designs he was making for his boss. Have you seen any of them in jail?
Folks, this stupid sick businessman must understand that the IT world is foul of copy cats as no other tech brunch. The courts around the world are busy resolving complaints by hundreds every day. But as a geek myself, I have never read anything like this, no one went on line in a psychotic (And dangerous) state of mind to find justice of what he thinks was deprived. Readers,I can assure you that there will be not another Marisyl Castillon case favorable to Michael Turner, it was favorable probably with the help of those he accuses today of betrayal. That's life Michael!
Mga panghupaw og gaba moabot ra diay
What goes around comes around. Excuse me? some one said Karma?
Readers, There will be more updates on this case. I will follow closely this saga, will inform you with the latest, he's trying to make it a Rotary Club matter, I think is a business failure on his (Turner's) part that thought he can exploit for ever local talents enriching himself. As a former Rotarian myself, I'll let you know what "the culture" is all about and why Michael Turner has no weight or a possible strategy to harm any one in the Rotary. I have been able
to shut down a crooked Rotary charity business that had in its ranks and was supported by the biggest Rotary shots around the world, including some sitting in Evanston Illinois where the Administration is located. Turner's bla bla bla doesn't scare any one. Unless he comes up with solid evidence (If not irrefutable proof) of real wrong doing of those he accuses, he will pay the consequences of his actions in a big way.
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