Fellow readers my apology for the delays in publishing a major update regarding how the sexpats in CDO provide the shield Spooks need for protection, the role of “the philanthropist” Daisy cline and her business in charity and “social clubs”,
Meantime, I felt the need to salute these women that fight for the dignity of their pairs, defending them against those sexpats foreigners predators that through the internet have spread the word “ come to CDO and don’t worry. Mike Farrell will always help you through the Rotary club and a few politicians he knows (His words as posted on the forum and will be published soon) and Daisy Cline will order the Department Of Tourism accredited GRO stationing 24/24 at Spooks for a guided tour of …the upstairs part of the premise where they gather to read the Holly Book…
Congratulation ladies of Tubaga Movement, keep up the good work, contact me if you need help, I don’t see you have web site, I can help you setup one for free, including updates and maintenance. Zero cost for you, no strings attached, just help from the bottom of my heart.
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